Welcome to the future of hiring

Blazingly faster hiring experience

Cut through the noise and hire the right workforce through our vetted service providers

Recruit, process and onboard new hires - in a single system

Blazingly faster hiring experience

Get their documents, issue offer letter and onboard workforce quickly

Recruit, process and onboard new hires - in a single system

Empower your blue-collar recruitment with Huntr

Five times faster in hiring and deploying due to transparency

Fully integrated software from hiring to onboarding

Issue offer letter, VISA, and joining tickets in one place

Hiring in bulk and managing all documents in one place

Track changes and versions of documents with ease

Track changes and versions of documents with ease

Empower your blue-collar recruitment with Huntr

Hire candidates from:

Hire candidates from:

Fast. Seamless. Delightful

Hire the best candidates quickly. Never miss deadlines again.

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